
Chancel Choir

A multi-talented group of volunteers provides beautiful music to enrich our services in order that we may praise God.  The Choir performs September through May every Sunday during worship as well as on special occasions.  New voices are always welcome.

Prayer & Share

The group meets on Sunday evening at 6:30 in the library to share prayer concerns and pray for those concerns including our church, the local community and the greater world community.  During prayer time some individuals will pray aloud. From time to time the group will do a study.  All are welcome to attend. 

Sunday Growth Groups

Join us on Sunday mornings for our Sunday Growth Groups. Find more info HERE on the specific groups and the time and place they meet.

Guiding Shepherd Christian School

All children in grades Kindergarten through 12th are welcome here.  We are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education.  Bus transportation is available for full-time students.  For more information contact Bambi Heck at 845-3015 or the school office at 845-3292.  School web site:

Angel House Children’s Home

This ministry began at the First UMC in 2003 and has grown into an international mission project serving a Children’s Home in Tarime Tanzania as well as a school. Click HERE for more info on this ministry.

Bethel Churches United

Bethel Churches United is a group of fifteen local churches in the New Carlisle and Bethel Township community.  Its purpose is to lead all people into a closer relationship with the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to glorify God in all that we do.  Together, the churches of BCU minister to those in need and provide spiritual leadership to the Bethel Township community.

The Food Pantry is located at the FUMC Family Center at 226 South Pike St.  The hours of operation are Wednesday 4:00-5:30pm and Friday from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm.

Love Tree

As one of our missions during the Christmas season, the congregation has the opportunity to help make Christmas a little brighter for some needy families.  Ornaments are placed on the Love Tree giving a name, age and items that the person would like for Christmas.  The congregation brings in wrapped gifts to be delivered on Christmas Eve along with food baskets.


AA meets in the Church Lounge every Monday at 12:00 noon and every Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8:00 PM.  If you or someone you know needs this group support, you are welcome at any time.  Contact the church office for more information.